Second Chakra Mudra

The second chakra, Svadisthana, meaning "dwelling in the place of the self”, is related to the water element and is located in the lower belly, between the pubic bone and the navel (it's often referred to as the naval chakra). It’s core quality is self-nourishment and when it’s in balance, we sense ourselves coming home to our own inner source of nourishment and healing. When we are out of touch with our source of inner nourishment, we may experience loneliness, feelings of abandonment and an inability to find pleasure in our relationships.

Think of all the ways you can welcome your inner child and experience a sense of playfulness, fun, creativity, and nourishment - foods, thoughts, experiences. Allow your creative juices to flow and enjoy a healthy sense of self-worth. Remember, you are worthy of your own good attention.

Our Mudra practice for the second chakra is called Ksepana.

Ksepana Mudra (Sacral Chakra) is the gesture of pouring out and letting go - lovingly releasing all that no longer serves you in order to make space for all things that do nourish you. This mudra awakens the water element and helps us to go with the flow as we release negativity, stress and tension.

Try this beautiful meditation from Ambuja Yoga: (watch the video below)
Interlace the fingers of both hands and then release the index fingers. The index fingers are touching one another. The thumbs are crossed and the thumb pads rest, more or less, in the crook between thumb and index finger. When seated and practicing this mudra the index fingers should point down. The index fingers should point toward your feet when practicing this mudra lying down.

You can also practice this mudra in your asana practice. A flow that I like to do in a seated posture.

  1. Begin with the mudra at heart center. Index fingers pointing up.

  2. On an inhale turn the index fingers to point down and slightly away, extending the arms long toward the floor.

  3. Using the same inhale breath sweeping the arms up overhead.

  4. Exhale index fingers come to the crown of the head, to the forehead, the nose, then the lips and back to the heart like a waterfall tumbling over smooth stones.

  5. Each inhale envision vibrant, light energy flowing into your body and on your exhale let go of negativity in any of its forms.

  6. Practice a total of seven times.

Affirm for yourself: “I release and go with the flow”

Heather Till