Third Chakra Mudra

Manipura, the third or Solar Plexus chakra, means “lustrous gem”. This chakra is related to the fire element and is located in the solar plexus. Together with the root (first) and sacral (second) chakras, these create what's called the lower triangle. The third chakra governs our strength, vitality, will power, stamina, our sense of self, and our ability to transform ourselves and our lives. It's also related to the digestive system as well as how we digest life. It enables us take action and leave behind what no longer works for us.

Practices that help to awaken and bring balance to the Third Chakra include yoga postures or breath work that bring heat to the solar plexus area (twists, belly pumping - slow or fast, cobra pose or bridge, supported back bends, core work...), wearing the color yellow, drinking beverages at room temperature or slightly warmed to help boost the digestive fire, setting clear goals or intentions and taking small doable steps that will move you forward towards your goals, learning to trust your gut intuition.

Join me for a mudra meditation to invite more energy and vitality:

Pran Mudra helps to increase our vitality while decreasing fatigue. It’s been said to improve our self-confidence, courage and ability to see things through. Combined with long slow rhythmic breathing, pran mudra helps to instill a sense of steadiness, focus, and ability to energize our life vision.

❤Touch the tips of your thumbs, ring and pinky fingers together, extending the index and middle fingers out.
❤Rest the hands with the palms face up on the thighs or knees.
❤Relax the shoulders, feel your spine gently lengthening, and allow your breath to settle and deepen.
❤Affirm for yourself: "My cells are filled with vibrant health and energy!"

Heather Till