Fourth Chakra Mudra

Nurturing the garden of my heart allows for the blossoming of unconditional love

The heart chakra, Anahata, meaning “infinite” or “boundless”, is located in the center of the chest behind the sternum. The heart chakra is the bridge between the lower three chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus) and the upper three chakras (throat, third eye and crown). The heart chakra is related to the air element, the color green and the qualities of lightness, gracefulness and sensitivity. Its core quality is unconditional love and when it is in balance, we are able to embrace and appreciate life with enthusiasm and optimism, allowing us to live more freely in the present moment.

The heart chakra governs the heart, lungs, arms, hands and thymus gland, and practices that help to awaken and bring balance it include: yoga postures or breath work that open the chest (cobra, sphinx, bridge, supported back bends), Childs pose, metta (loving kindness) meditation, gratitude practice, placing hand on heart, wearing the color green, wearing rose quartz, and mudra mediation.

Padma Mudra (Heart Chakra): Padma means “lotus” and this mudra directs the breath, awareness and energy into the front of the chest, instilling a sense of lightness and openness. Padma mudra also directs breath and awareness to the thymus gland, supporting the health of the immune system. Allow your attention and intention to rest into the palms of your hands as your thoughts settle inward. You might practice anywhere from 1-5 minutes.

❤Place the hands in prayer pose in front of the heart.
❤Bring the base of the palms, little fingers and thumbs together, while opening the other fingers into the shape of an unfolding lotus.
❤Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body and the spine naturally lengthens.
❤Affirm for yourself: "Awakening my hearts essential qualities, unconditional love blossoms naturally."

Heather Till