Fifth Chakra Mudra

I speak my truth freely, openly, honestly

The throat chakra, Visuddha, meaning “pure” or “purification”, is located in the throat. It is the bridge between head and the heart. The throat chakra is related to the element of ether, the color turquoise and the qualities of self expression and clear communication. When it is in balance, we are able to effectively communicate our needs, desires, ideas, boundaries, empathy and love.

The fifth chakra governs the throat area, thyroid gland, neck, shoulders, mouth and jaw. Practices that help to awaken and bring balance it include: neck and shoulder stretches, breath work (especially Ocean Breathing and Lion’s Breath), supported fish pose, singing or humming, journaling, wearing the color blue, and mudra mediation.

Visuddha Mudra (Throat Chakra): This mudra directs the breath, awareness and energy into the throat. It enhances circulation to the vocal chords, releasing tension which cultivates greater ease in speaking and singing. This mudra also increases circulation to the thyroid gland, balancing metabolism. At its most subtle level, this gesture supports the release of limiting beliefs, in turn, revealing the inherent purity of our true being.

❤ Press the tips of the thumbs against the inner base of the ring finger.
❤ Leave the fingers extended gently outwards.
❤ Rest the back of the hands onto the thighs or knees. Relax the shoulders back and down.
❤ Affirm for yourself: "I speak my truth with clarity and ease."

Heather Till