Sixth Chakra Mudra

The power of clear seeing guides my path toward awakening

The third eye chakra, Ajna, meaning “perceive” or “beyond wisdom”, is located between the eyebrows. It is the center of our intuition, our ability to focus and to see the big picture. The third eye chakra is associated with light, the color indigo and the qualities of witness consciousness, our ability to see and understand the inner and outer worlds. When it is in balance, we feel clear, determined and focused. We are able to transcend fears and worries and experience a peace that goes beyond understanding. When it is out of balance, we might have headaches, sinus issues, blurred vision or experience an unwillingness to look within and to unpack our fears.

The sixth chakra is associated with the pineal gland and the eyes. Practices that help to awaken and bring balance it include: eye exercises, self massage of the forehead area, Childs pose, legs up the wall, alternate nostril breathing, meditation (especially candle gazing), and mudra mediation.

Jnana Mudra (Third Eye Chakra): This mudra cultivates mental clarity and equanimity, creates space between thoughts, cultivates a sense of balance within both hemispheres of the brain, enhances breath capacity and supports the clear seeing that allows us to witness our thoughts and feeling objectively. By witnessing all that arises in the mind as though watching images on a movie screen, we are no longer drawn into the mind’s “stories” and we are better able to let go of outcome.

❤ Touch the tips of the index fingers to the tips of the thumbs.
❤ The thumbs and index fingers form a round open circle.
❤ Extend the other three fingers straight out and rest the backs of the hands on the knees or thighs.
❤ Relax the shoulders back and down and allow the spine to naturally lengthen.
❤ Affirm for yourself: "I trust my intuition, I am connected"

Heather Till