Root Chakra Mudra

The root chakra, Muladhara, which means “base of support”, is located at the base of the spine. Its core quality is security and when it is in balance, we sense ourselves fully supported at all moments in our life journey. When this sense of support is not there, we may experience fear and insecurity as well as a sense that our basic survival needs are not being met.

Being a human in our modern world, we constantly weave in and out of balance with ourselves and our lives. But there are practices we can do to help us return, over and over again, to a state of ease and groundedness.

One of these yogic practices is called Mudras (hand gestures). Think of an old timey switchboard. As we change the configuration of our hands/fingers, different connections are being made to the brain, body, mind and nervous system.

Chinmaya Mudra (Root Chakra) helps us to ground. This mudra directs breath, awareness and energy into the base of the body, the seat of the first chakra, deepening our connection to the earth and its qualities of grounding and stability. You can practice Chin Mudra during meditation, while sitting in a waiting room, or as part of your movement practice. Allow your attention and intention to rest into the connection between the fingers, your breath and settling your thoughts inward. You might practice anywhere from 1-5 minutes.

❤Touch the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together, forming a circle.
❤Rest the hands with the palms face down on the thighs or knees.
❤Relax the shoulders, feel your spine gently lengthening, and allow your breath to settle and deepen.
❤Affirm for yourself: "I am fully supported by the earth, I step forward in life feeling safe and secure."

Heather Till