Hi Friends!

This is our last week of the Connect mantra....

One of the biggest inspirations in my life for working to change my mindset has been Louise Hay. After reading her book "You Can Heal Your Life" (many, many, many years ago), I wrote her a letter. Keep in mind this was long before email and the internet yet existed. I don't remember what my question was that I had written about, but I was so excited to receive a letter back from her. She was a busy lady with a big and prominent life and she took the time to respond in such a loving way to me. That meant the world. I still have that letter, I'll share with you the words she closed it with:

"Stay in tune with the divine wisdom within you, dear. It will continue to bless you and lead you to the next step of your unfoldment."

And it has. Thank you Louise for still being such a clear and loving guide. This weeks affirmation comes from her. I hope that it inspires you in some way too.

Enjoy this Short & Sweet Savasana practice. 10-minutes of self massage & relaxation to rest into a deeper connection and peace of body, mind and heart.

Heather Till