Happy February!

I have long used mantras (or affirmations) in my personal practice and find that they really help to change my mindset and accelerate whatever intentions I'm working with or habits I'm wanting to change. My journey began many moons ago when I was introduced to Louise Hay during a particularly difficult time in my life. Her book You Can Heal Your Life was an amazing discovery for me. Since then I've been deeply inspired by women such as Kris Carr and Erin Stutland.

I thought it might be interesting to start weaving these simple affirmations into our yoga practice. We'll be using inspiration from Erin Stutland's book Mantras in Motion. Each month you'll see you a new theme that we are focusing on and each week will be a deeper dive into that month's intention.

I invite you to join me, whether that's coming to a yoga class or just playing with how you can weave these mantras into your daily life (during a morning meditation, repeating them while washing the dishes, sharing them with your children or friends, journaling on what the affirmation means to you....). The possibilities are endless, as long as you're having fun, you're doing it right!

Heather Till